SOLD: Mediation

SOLD: Mediation

LARGE PAINTINGS TO DECORATE WITH AUTHORITY, because your home should scream YOU.

“Meditation” is a 18″ x 18″ x 1.5″ acrylic painting on canvas, ready to bring color and individuality to your entire room.  Large canvases are perfect for large walls and expressive statements.  Large paintings are a perfect foundation to build your room’s exclusive design from.  Pull color, texture and line influences from your painting’s unique characteristics, to design a beautifully cohesive room design.   Using large pieces in your home is an excellent way to embody your expressive personality, and confidently choose to TRUST DIFFERENT. Large originals are investments that become heirlooms, to be enjoyed by generations to come.

  • Large Art For Large Personalities
  • Works of art to last a lifetime and beyond.
  • Great DESIGN centers for shaping the personality of your room design.

LARGE PAINTINGS TO DECORATE WITH AUTHORITY, because your home should scream YOU.

“Meditation” is a 18″ x 18″ x 1.5″ acrylic painting on canvas made by Connecticut, artist, April Quast. This painting is the perfect way to make a big statement in your expressive home.  Large canvases are perfect for large walls and expressive statements, guaranteed to bring individuality to your entire room.


If you found my art, it’s because you TRUST DIFFERENT.  You are NOT afraid of color, abstractions or different. You know the value of trusting what you love and loving all the things that make you, YOU.  Your walls are for vibrating your own creative energy as well as for fueling you with the energies you need to soak in.


Large paintings are a perfect foundation to build your room’s exclusive design from. By choosing to surround yourself with art that moves your soul, you can exist in a space of stamina.  This art moves.  Fluid, rhythmic lines and expressive, vibrant colors are what makes this art not just a decorator’s choice, but a dance of your personal energy. Own this art as an investment that will become an heirloom, to be enjoyed by generations to come


Big Art = BIG IMPACT.  Using large pieces in your home is an excellent way to embody your expressive personality, and confidently choose to TRUST DIFFERENT.

  • Large Art For Large Personalities
  • Works of art to last a lifetime and beyond.
  • Great DESIGN centers for shaping the personality of your room design.
Weight 4535.92 lbs
Dimensions 30 × 6 × 30 in